Ever thought about what it would be like to achieve a high state of consciousness in both mind and body? The Rainbow Body of Light lets you explore this elevated state through spiritual awakening, ascension, and divine connection. This guide will help you understand what it entails and its key aspects.
First, I'll introduce you to the ancient terms and descriptions of the rainbow body of light. Then, I'll share the findings from my spiritual research on this topic, using my higher vision and spiritual abilities to assess the vibrations of those who have reached this profound level.
Understand the concept of the Rainbow Body as the ancients know it
The Rainbow Body is an ancient term for a specific state of enlightenment found in many spiritual traditions. It is the highest form of consciousness of both soul and body and is usually associated with the complete dissolution of the physical body into light. To reach this elevated state, practitioners must understand what it means to be in a rainbow body and strive to cultivate the qualities associated with this spiritual experience.
The Rainbow Body is an enlightened state of being in which the physical body and material world dissolve into pure light. It is considered by many ancient spiritual masters the highest form of consciousness, a union between a man and the divine, and a complete liberation from all suffering. The rainbow body process covers both soul and body vibration ascension vs. spiritual ascension which is much better known and which involves only the soul ascension.

To reach this deep connection with the highest spirit, folks need to cultivate qualities like truth, love, understanding, unity, compassion, and joy in their daily routines. They should also aim to fully control their thoughts and beliefs, so they can see everything from a higher spiritual viewpoint. With faith and dedication to their spiritual journey, they can eventually achieve the rainbow body state – a peak in the quest for ultimate enlightenment.
To attain this all-encompassing state, those practicing the rainbow body must devote their lives to learning and understanding the divine. They should embrace teachings from various Eastern philosophies and spiritual traditions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism. By developing self-awareness through regular meditation and contemplation, they can gradually sense energies beyond the physical world. Over time, the practitioner's spirit grows stronger and evolves until they reach ultimate enlightenment, becoming one with the infinite truth of eternal existence.
The rainbow body concept is unique to Tibetan Buddhism. Several traditions aim to develop and achieve the rainbow body of light. In the Dzogchen tradition, for example, the rainbow body results from practices like tögal (direct crossing over), representing the final realization of enlightenment to the level of a Buddha at the time of death or shortly after in the Bardo. The energy of the subtle body is withdrawn from the physical body, which is then replaced by a body of light, or the emanation body of a Buddha.
This process is sometimes accompanied by unusual weather phenomena like rainbows (in non-standard shapes), colored lights around the body or dwelling, and showers of flowers or perfume. These phenomena give the rainbow body its name, symbolizing this high spiritual achievement.
Understand the Power of Prana and Kundalini Energy
To unlock the power of the Rainbow Body of Light, it is important to understand prana and kundalini energy. Prana is the universal life force energy that flows through all living things, while Kundalini energy is the energetic potential stored within a person’s root chakra. When these two forces combine and become interconnected, they give rise to a powerful multidimensional experience.
When these two energies come together, they create a heightened state of awareness where the physical and spiritual worlds merge. This sensory elevation helps someone tap into their higher self and connect with the spirit realm. This deeper understanding unlocks creative potential and offers insights into life's lessons. The Rainbow Body of Light experience is a powerful way to explore one's personal connection to transcendence, while also aiding in the healing of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wounds.

Practice meditation and spiritually cultivate your body
To work towards a rainbow body, it's important to regularly practice meditation and yoga. Rainbow body meditation helps deepen your understanding of yourself and the world, while yoga boosts your physical flexibility and strength. You'll need to follow a disciplined routine that includes mindful breathing, visualizing inner light, and chanting mantras. Having a good spiritual guide can also be really helpful on this journey.
Diet is also key in achieving a rainbow body. Eating raw, unprocessed, and organic foods packed with nutrients will give your body and mind the best fuel. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and nourish your cells. Sometimes, regular cleansing rituals or fasting are part of the practice.
Meditation and yoga offer many physical, mental, and emotional benefits. By combining them, you might reach what's called the "Rainbow Body." This involves experiencing different energetic colors within your aura or energy field. Focusing on building this energy during yoga poses and breathing meditations can help you feel empowered and at peace.
Learn the 5 colors and elements to purify your body energies in Tibetan Buddhism
In Tibetan Buddhism, the physical body is the skandha (Sansk., aggregate) which is made of the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. These 5 elements each are considered to represent a fundamental vibration in our bodies, and altogether they make up what we are. Because life is how it is and we are contaminated with all sorts of limiting beliefs, we eat junk food, etc, the 5 elements are distorted, are not clean anymore.
Now, the ultimate aim of an adept of this spiritual tradition is to “clean” so well his 5 main elements of his body so that
1. Earth reverts to the color yellow
2. Fire reverts to the color red
3. Water reverts to the color blue
4. Air reverts to the color green
5. Space reverts to the color white
When a skilled adept masters all five pure colors simultaneously, they can attain one of the three types of rainbow bodies. The Tibetan rainbow body ascension heavily relies on this unique purification process.
Fully accomplished Dzogchen practitioners can transform their bodies into light at the time of death. Successful Dzogchen practitioners can reverse the typical process of aging, where the body becomes denser, by refining dense matter back into pure light or energy.
Tibetan monks and witnesses describe three types of effects on the body after death:
Typical: The body shrinks dramatically, up to 80%.
Higher: The body completely disappears, leaving only hair, nails, and teeth.
Rainbow Body of Great Transference: The highest level, where the person transforms into pure light while still alive. Padmasambhava is said to have achieved this in the 8th century, along with a few other high masters.
The pinnacle of Dzogchen practice is reaching the "rainbow body" or "body of light," similar to the "mental body" (sambhogakaya) mentioned in the Pali Canon.
My spiritual research into what the Rainbow body truly is
First off, I got to emphasize that reaching the rainbow body is way beyond the usual spiritual goals, even for those who are pretty advanced! To give you an idea of how tough it is, let's use a scale of spiritual achievements.
Imagine spiritual progress like school grades: most people are at a 1st or 2nd-grade level, mainstream religions are around 3rd or 4th grade, and practices like yoga or qigong range from 5th to 10th grade, depending on the specific tradition. Some super niche and secretive spiritual schools go up to 12th grade and even university level. In this analogy, reaching enlightenment is like graduating from university, which means your soul has reached the 7th chakra vibration. On average, most souls on the planet are around a 3.5 chakra vibration.
But even high souls like Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tze, who achieved spiritual enlightenment, still had physical bodies, right?
Well, attaining the rainbow body is even tougher. It requires maintaining a body vibration higher than the 5.0 chakra level for a long time! It's like winning a Nobel Prize in physics on this spiritual achievement scale, way harder than just reaching enlightenment, which is like getting a university degree.

You have to consider that while the soul is just one entity, our bodies are made of over 50 trillion cells (1 trillion=1000 billion), and each of them needs to raise its vibration into 5D and hold there!
Proof of the rainbow body of light
For rainbow body proof, check this video presentation of the subject done by David Wilcock who’s a very high soul himself. You will see rainbow body photos and movie clips with monks before they died and after they died and reached the rainbow body, and testimonials.
David Wilcock and the Tibetan monks might not fully grasp the process of ascension into the rainbow body, but my spiritual research suggests that the body's transformation into light works like this. After death, when the soul departs, the body of the adept disintegrates within hours or days. This happens because a significant portion of their cells has reached a 5D vibration, allowing them to ascend physically to that level.
Without the soul to hold it together, the body's 5D vibrating cells naturally move towards the 5D plane, vanishing from the sight of those in 3D due to the massive frequency difference. Only a few dense parts like bones, hair, and teeth, which didn't fully convert to 5D, remain behind.
The rainbow body is the first stage of physical ascension into 5D. The next level involves even higher souls who ascend while still alive, without dying first. These souls need to gather a lot more energy/prana/chi over their lifetime to convert their entire body, including bones, hair, and teeth, into light (which happens at a 5.5D+ vibration). Flesh, blood, and other tissues are less dense and easier to convert compared to teeth, for example.
The rainbows that appear where such a high soul ascends are caused by the body's dissolution into light (ascension to 5D) and the presence of very high-level disembodied souls who come to witness and welcome the soul.
This article gives a brief overview of the rainbow body phenomenon. Achieving the rainbow body is taught in advanced spiritual schools and can't be fully explained in a single post. Practicing rainbow body meditation, for example, should be done with proper guidance.
Tibetan monks who achieved the rainbow body followed the Dzogchen (highest perfection) spiritual tradition and togal, the highest path among the "nine vehicles to liberation" in Tibetan spiritual schools. The trekchö practice mentioned by David Wilcock in his presentation is one of the key practices in Dzogchen.
I've done extensive research on physical ascension procedures, and the rainbow body stands out as one of the few proofs of such ascension.
You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.
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