There's always been a lively debate about how food impacts spirituality and soul growth. Some spiritual traditions handle this by imposing fasting periods, like many major religions do, while others don't.
Science has already shown that the type of food we eat greatly affects our behavior and emotions. With that in mind, I want to share some insights I've gathered on the energies of food and how they interact with our bodies.
Basic energy mechanisms in our body when ingesting food
Our bodies are essentially a mix of different energies, and eating is just a way to transfer energy from food to us. We can boost our energy in various ways, like through mindful breathing, walking in nature, yoga, meditation, and eating foods with high vibes.
Ever notice how you’re not as hungry after a day at the beach or in a sunny park? But when you’re stuck in an office or in front of a computer all day, you feel ravenous.
When you’re at the beach, barefoot and surrounded by nature, you’re soaking up prana, or life force energy. You feel excited and energized, open to everything around you, and this natural energy fills you up, so you need less from food.
When you're at the office working, you're pouring your energy into your tasks. Even if you love your job, it still takes a lot out of you, though maybe a bit less than a job you dislike. Have you noticed that during winter, when there's less sunlight, we tend to eat more compared to summer? Sunlight actually boosts our energy, so we feel less energized without it. Our bodies are essentially a blend of Earth and Sun—our "body parents."
Also, technology can drain our energy. This constant depletion makes us and our bodies crave replenishment, whether we're aware of it or not.
The tricky part is dealing with the emotional and mental stuff that creates unhealthy eating habits. When you're stressed, bored, tired, or anxious, you might crave sugary foods. But you can't just change your diet without changing yourself. Your diet reflects what you believe is good for you, shaped by years of influences—from your mom's advice on what's tasty, to what you learned in school, from friends, and eventually from societal norms and media.
To be truly happy and healthy you need to nourish both your body and soul. As spiritual, you should look at your body as being an antenna for energies around, both sending and emitting energy of different frequencies from everybody and everything around. The antenna effect shapes your very destiny!
Foods to eat during ascension
If you're aiming to feel light and vibrant, you'll likely go for plants that grow towards the sun, like leafy greens, sprouts, and asparagus. How do you think a meal packed with greens would make us feel? Light veggies and green juice can physically make you feel lighter, ease digestion, and help your energy feel brighter.
Vegan and raw diets are often called the yogi diet because they help your body become more aware and sensitive to energies, spirits, different dimensions, and overall spirituality.

On the flip side, they don’t provide enough protein and might make you feel off-balance in the long run. If you're feeling lightheaded, tired, dizzy, or exhausted, root veggies are awesome to munch on. Think about veggies like potatoes, carrots, beets, and turnips. These "root" veggies have a grounding energy because of the way they grow. They help us feel steady, calm, and connected to the Earth. They bring us back into our bodies and help us stay grounded. We tend to lose our grounding when we’re too much in our heads, daydreaming, constantly thinking about spirituality, the future, or past regrets, and not being present. Our soul kind of drifts away from our body, making us feel like we're floating.
Basically, we focus too much on the upper chakras and neglect the lower ones, leading to a chakra imbalance, which is something we definitely want to avoid.
Root vegetables help us be present, here and now. Take a look at the food vibrational frequency chart I gave in my related post about high-vibrational foods. You will see there the hierarchy of food vibration and the types of foods that least impact our energy bodies.
Causes of food habits and impact on our body vibration
Our eating habits have specific reasons behind them that many people don't realize and often take for granted. For example, the mood you're in while cooking can impact the food's energy levels. This can actually be measured with instruments—it's a real thing! Think about how food lovers cook with love and aim for that. Basically, try not to cook when you're angry or sad.
Your thoughts lead to feelings, and those feelings shape your energy. These feelings are influenced by your past and the associations your subconscious mind makes. Always remember, feelings are energy in motion.
But there's more to it. Your vibrational state is also affected by the foods you eat and your gut, which is often called your second brain.
Your gut is known as the second brain of the enteric nervous system. This nervous system is how the gut communicates with the brain and vice versa. According to John Hopkins Medicine, “The enteric nervous system doesn’t seem capable of thought as we know it, but it communicates back and forth with our big brain—with profound results.”
The foods we eat have their own vibrational frequencies, and it turns out that higher vibration foods are the healthier ones, which make our guts happier. Our body's and soul's vibration charts are greatly influenced by this connection!
Eating high-vibration foods can boost your overall vibration in several ways. Here are just a few examples:
You feel better, lighter, and healthier when you consume higher vibrational foods, which in turn raises your vibrational frequency.
An unhealthy gut, like in people with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), is linked to a higher risk of depression and anxiety.
High-vibration foods provide the most nutrition, from chlorophyll to antioxidants and even alkaline materials, helping to keep our bodies in a good pH balance.
Heart, mind, and gut brains connection
Science has discovered that, in addition to the brain in our head, our gut (enteric system) and heart also have their own "brains."
When your gut is out of balance, your digestion can suffer, leading to anxiety, depression, impatience, indecisiveness, confusion, withdrawal, or illness.
On the flip side, when your digestion is in good shape, you might feel confident, joyful, patient, logical, mentally clear, and passionate about life. These are all high-vibration emotions.
Take a moment to give thanks for your food before eating. Bless it, pray over it, or simply send loving intentions its way. Gratitude and love are some of the highest vibrational energies!
Studies like Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Water Crystal Study have shown that water’s molecular structure can change when exposed to different intentions. Remember, our bodies, our food, and everything around us are made mostly of water.
Emoto’s research found that water exposed to loving emotions and intentions formed beautiful molecular structures, while water exposed to hate, disgust, or negative intentions became disfigured and ugly.

Emoto even did a study showing how a water crystal changed after one hour of prayer. Setting a positive intention, praying and gratitude for your food can change its vibrational and molecular state.
What Should I Eat?
With so many different diet approaches out there, it can be tough to figure out what to eat. For those on a spiritual path, Paramhansa Yogananda, an enlightened soul from the 20th century, offered some wise advice: "The food we eat affects our thoughts, actions, and overall health." He suggested choosing foods that bring positive spiritual vibes to our minds and brains.
According to Yogananda, we should go for foods that are easily turned into energy, meaning pure and natural options that support good health and vitality. Even among fresh foods, some will have a more calming and harmonizing effect on our consciousness, helping to keep our nervous systems peaceful and our bodies energized and strong.
A spiritual ascension diet should observe at least what I described in the paragraph "Foods to eat during ascension" above, and moreover follow a food vibration chart guidance I spiritually and energetically researched and proposed in another post of mine.
I advise you to eat food according to the food vibration chart I researched vibrationally and confirmed to me by higher beings, including ancient high masters of the past including Yogananda.
Nonetheless, following a higher diet while you were used to a different one is not so easy, and as mentioned at the start of the post you need to change yourself first, and that means releasing your limiting beliefs that support your former diet. Nobody can go against himself for such an important issue as diet.
On the other hand, I assure you that from my own practice which also aligns with other seasoned spirituals, a spiritual can’t reach true and consistent soul growth with a “heavy” body, it’s just an illusion.
You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.
You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnosis, or Healing limiting beliefs, or Compatibility for lovers, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher dimensions.