Spiritual and psychic readings can cover a lot in the spiritual realm. Generally, folks turn to these readings to figure out how to overcome obstacles in their lives, whether it's issues with family, work, friends, love, money, fame, competition, luck, etc. Essentially, they’re looking to improve their current path and make their destiny better.
What is a Psychic Reading
Psychic readings cover a wide range of meanings and characteristics. People usually look for predictions about their future, mediumship, connecting with spirits, finding lost people or things, and more. These readings often involve paranormal abilities like clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feeling), claircognizance (knowing), and clairaudience (hearing).

The abilities mentioned cover various areas commonly accepted in this type of reading, such as astrology, aura readings, cartomancy, crystallomancy, numerology, palm reading, rune reading, and tarot reading.
In a Spiritual Reading, a spiritual guide helps you transform yourself, while a Psychic Reading shows your current path. A spiritual guide supports your journey toward spiritual growth.
Everyone has a spiritual side that's often tough to grasp. Spiritual readings dive deep into the soul and higher consciousness, offering clarity and guidance on spiritual matters. They help you connect with your Intuition and find life's meaning and purpose. These readings focus on personal growth, self-discovery, and aligning with your higher self, aiming for your future development as a person and soul.
From what I've noticed, many people seek quick fixes for their problems rather than putting in the effort for long-term solutions that could elevate their destiny to a higher level where such issues don't exist. The problem with quick fixes, like avoiding a bad future event, is that even if they solve the issue temporarily, the problem or a similar one will come back even stronger due to the natural energy mechanisms of Creation. This follows the basic laws of Creation.
What details do I give in a full Spiritual reading
In my readings, I chose to give a set of factors more toward spiritual readings, although I also include some parameters that belong to psychic readings.
I do readings offline, where a client sends me a recent photo, and I scan it to check their soul and body energy issues. As result, I send them a report, which is essentially a spiritual and energy diagnosis. This report can serve as a foundation for them to improve their soul and body, raising their vibration and awareness. By doing this, they can achieve a higher destiny that eliminates many of their previous issues!
I generally avoid predicting the future for someone like in psychic readings, because it would follow their current destiny path. Instead, by providing a spiritual diagnosis, they have the opportunity to change themselves if they choose to and change their destiny for the good.
During the spiritual reading, I often find issues related to the connection with Earth, lower energies in areas like the feet, hips, genital area, lungs, thyroid gland, head, etc.
For the readings, I use the chakra scale ranging from 1 to 7 (e.g., a soul vibration of 3.8 and a body vibration of 3.4 on the chakra scale). The vibration level represents the awareness of the soul or body—the higher, the better.
The average vibration for humanity is 3.5 for soul vibration and 3.5 for body vibration, both based on the chakra scale.

Here are some key insights I provide during a Spiritual Reading:
Chakra Scan: I examine each chakra and determine how open it is, expressed as a percentage (e.g., 15%). This helps clients know which chakras need more attention to clear energy blockages and what types of lower emotions or beliefs might be causing issues. I also provide the average chakra openness for humanity, so clients can see how they compare and understand which emotions are most likely affecting each chakra.
Balance of Feminine and Masculine Aspects: I assess how balanced a person is between their feminine and masculine aspects, which influence how they perceive life. This helps identify if someone is leaning too much towards one aspect, potentially missing out on the benefits of the other, especially in decision-making. Ideally, we should all have a balance of both aspects. For example, humanity has historically leaned towards the masculine aspect, which emphasizes planning, intellect, and logic, while often neglecting the feminine aspect, which includes intuition, insights, caring, and healing. This imbalance affects both individuals and the world at large.
Alignment with Optimal Life Path: I evaluate how aligned someone is with their optimal life path as intended by their soul (e.g., 20%). Average for humanity is approx. 10%. This reveals if their mind-soul connection is strong or if they are mostly driven by their mind, potentially ignoring their soul's intentions.
Energy Attachments: I check for any lower energies or negative entities attached to a person's energy fields, which can act as parasites (e.g., cases of full or partial possession).
Energy Exchange with Creation: I assess a person's energy balance with Creation. If someone has received more than they have given back in their life, they will need to repay that balance. Conversely, if they have given more than they received, Creation will return the surplus over time. On average, humanity has a -30% balance, meaning people generally receive more from Creation than they give back, which significantly impacts their overall life!
Health Indicators: I scan the body for energy issues that might indicate early-stage health problems not yet manifested physically. This includes areas like feet, hips, genital area, lungs, thyroid gland, head, etc.
Kundalini Awakening: I provide the percentage of a person's kundalini awakening process.
Additional Parameters: I offer other insights to help individuals understand their Life Path and their closeness to their soul, regardless of their current soul level.
I hope these explanations give potential spiritual seekers and those looking to identify the sources of their life issues a clear idea of what to expect from my readings.
You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.
You might also consider a service like Spiritual & Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed there and get a spiritual diagnostic, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness, and reach into higher dimensions.