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Overcoming Roadblocks on Your Spiritual Journey with Discernment

Updated: Oct 10

Starting a spiritual journey can totally transform your life, bringing a lot of personal growth and peace. But, it's not always an easy ride. You might hit some bumps along the way, like doubt, fear, or negativity from others. It's super important to handle these challenges with good judgment and decision-making skills.

By honing your ability to discern, especially in a spiritual sense, you'll be better equipped to tackle these hurdles and keep moving forward with confidence. In this piece, we'll check out some common obstacles and how to overcome them using discernment. Whether you're new to this journey or have been on it for a while, this guide will offer some helpful insights to keep you on track.

Let's jump in and find out how to deal with roadblocks on your spiritual journey using discernment!

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Practicing discernment

Understanding the Spiritual Journey

The spiritual journey is all about discovering yourself, understanding the universe, and finding your place in it. It can lead to a higher vibration of both soul and body, and even enlightenment. Ideally, your spiritual path should align with what your soul planned for you in this life. Before life begins, a soul, sometimes with the help of spiritual guides, picks out the main lessons and experiences it wants to explore, like dealing with jealousy, greed, power struggles, or learning to be altruistic and empathetic.


Most souls here on Earth are a mix of these lessons, often leaning towards the lower vibrational ones, which is why we're a 3D vibration world, linked to the 3rd chakra. If a soul manages to follow its planned path and learn these lessons, it can move to a higher level of awareness, like 4D.


This journey is all about self-discovery, diving into your inner world, and connecting with the divine. It's unique for everyone and can take many forms. Your spiritual journey is tightly linked to your life purpose. Some people find their path through religion, meditation, or yoga, while others rely on instinct or devotion. It's not always an easy road, and there can be challenges that make it tough to stay on track. But with the right mindset and tools, you can overcome these obstacles.

Common Roadblocks on the Spiritual Journey

On the spiritual journey, there are several common roadblocks that can hinder progress. Actually, these roadblocks are the limiting beliefs we harbor in our subconscious, but many people prefer to blame external factors that hinder progress and call them obstacles or roadblocks.

A few typical internal blocks are:

  • One of the most significant roadblocks is Doubt. Doubt can arise in many forms, such as self-doubt, doubt about the path you have chosen, or doubt about the existence of a higher power, of Unity of Creation, and so on. This roadblock can make it difficult to move forward and can lead to a loss of faith and motivation, and keep us in Separation.

  • Another common roadblock is Fear. Fear can manifest in many different ways, such as fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or fear of rejection. This roadblock can prevent you from taking risks and exploring new paths that could lead to spiritual growth.

  • Another common block is a Lack of trust in one’s higher self. It’s a special kind of doubt in the very existence of our soul because science doesn’t confirm it 😊. Therefore, we don’t trust ourselves we are able to do things, including being able to progress spiritually.

  • Negative influences from others can also be a significant roadblock on the spiritual journey. These influences can come from family, friends, or even society as a whole. Negative influences can create doubt and fear, and can make it difficult to stay on course. One needs a strong character to resist these influences and trust in his higher spiritual path.

Defining Spiritual Discernment and Its Role in the Spiritual Journey

Before we dive into the techniques, let's get a grasp on what Spiritual Discernment is all about. It's all about sensing and telling apart spiritual stuff with clarity and wisdom. This helps us spot the real from the fake and keeps us aligned with our highest spiritual values.


Spiritual discernment is super important for overcoming the hurdles on your spiritual path. It's about judging well and making good choices, figuring out what's true or false, and picking the best path for you.


Having this skill is key for staying focused and getting past challenges on your spiritual journey. It means using intuition, reason, and wisdom to make choices that match your spiritual goals.


Without spiritual discernment, it's tough to tell high vibes from low ones, higher souls from lower ones, or intuition from just our thoughts. We might not even notice when a lower spirit tries to trick us by pretending to be someone like Buddha or Jesus.

Developing Discernment Skills and Navigate Roadblocks with Spiritual Discernment

Building discernment skills takes time and practice. Here are some tips to help you grow your spiritual discernment:

  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: Instead of ignoring your emotions or reactions, recognize them openly. Being honest with yourself is key to discernment. Remember, acceptance doesn't mean you agree with everything. You can accept your feelings while also seeing where you might need to change or grow.

  2. Engage in Deep Listening: When talking to others, practice deep, empathetic listening. This means truly understanding the feelings and perspectives behind the words. It helps you tell the difference between truth and illusion in your relationships.

  3. Mindfulness and Self-awareness: Develop discernment through mindfulness and self-awareness. Mindfulness is about noticing your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judging them. Self-awareness means understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. By working on these, you'll gain more clarity and insight into your journey.

Spiritual  discernment,  discernment, spiritual journey, life path
Spiritual journey and spiritual discernment

4. Connect with Like-Minded Folks: Hanging out with people who share your interests and values can really help sharpen your discernment skills. Joining spiritual communities can give you support, guidance, and fresh insights. Just make sure the community has strong ethics, as not all do. Some people might not have worked through their own limiting beliefs and might act the same way in spiritual settings as they do in everyday life.


5. Find a Good Spiritual Mentor: Having a spiritual mentor can be super helpful for honing your discernment skills. They can offer guidance, support, and insights, helping you tackle any roadblocks along your journey and giving you a place to bounce around ideas and decisions.


6. Cultivate Compassion: Compassion is key to discernment. By being compassionate toward yourself and others, you learn to see things from a place of love and understanding. This can guide you to make choices that align with your spiritual values.


7. Practice Non-Judgment: Non-judgment is an important part of discernment. Try to observe situations without labeling them as 'good' or 'bad'. This helps you be more accepting and understanding, freeing you from the narrow views that judgment can bring. Remember, you often don’t know all the details of someone else's situation!


8. Embrace Life's Lessons: Life is our best teacher, offering lessons through experiences, relationships, and challenges. Embrace these lessons as chances to grow and deepen your spiritual discernment. No experience is truly 'negative' if it helps you learn and grow. To do this, you'll need emotional resilience and a strong character.


9. Be Careful with Disembodied Entities: Sometimes, as you grow spiritually, you might feel contacted by various disembodied souls or entities. Many people feel flattered by this and believe they’ve been chosen to spread wisdom. However, most of these entities aren’t what they seem. You need strong discernment to tell the difference between fake and truly enlightened entities. It's wise to check in with other higher souls (like in point 5) before letting any entity influence your life.


A spiritual journey that goes off track can lead to a Dark Night of the Soul, a deep crisis brought on by straying too far from your soul's path. This can lead to collecting limiting beliefs and feeling trapped, sometimes even considering drastic actions. To avoid this, it's crucial to develop discernment both in the material and spiritual worlds, providing a reliable life compass.


The spiritual journey is all about discovering yourself and growing, which can lead to a lot of peace and happiness. But it's not always easy. You might hit some bumps along the way, like doubt, fear, or negativity from others. It's key to handle these challenges with a good sense of judgment and decision-making.


These obstacles might seem tough, but they're actually important for your growth and understanding. By working on your spiritual discernment, you can tackle these challenges with wisdom and strength. This practice not only aids your spiritual journey but also brings clarity to everyday life. As you continue on this path, be patient with yourself and trust the process.


By honing your spiritual discernment, you can face these challenges confidently and move towards a more enlightened life. Whether you're just starting out or have been on this path for a while, remember to embrace the journey with discernment and resilience.



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