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Kundalini head pressure and how to deal with it

Updated: Aug 18

Many people who practice spirituality, especially with the rise of meditation and other spiritual techniques, often experience kundalini energy pressure, headaches, or head pressure.

In this article, I'll share my experiences and insights on managing this issue, both from my own spiritual journey and from helping others who have faced similar challenges.

What is kundalini energy pressure or head pressure?

The pain from a kundalini headache can be part of the overall kundalini awakening process, which brings up all kinds of limiting beliefs from our subconscious. When kundalini energy reaches the head, it can cause a "kundalini head pressure" that can really impact our well-being.

Some spiritual headache symptoms might include:

  • Dizziness and trouble focusing

  • Constant head pressure and kundalini headaches

  • Difficulty sleeping well

  • Hypersensitivity to external stressors (like loud noises, bright lights, TV violence, EM fields) and a craving for peace and solitude

  • Trouble distinguishing what's real from imagined, feeling like you're going crazy

  • Intense heat, vibrations, or electric surges through your body

  • Feeling shattered or like you have no center

  • Chronic fatigue (sometimes on and off)

  • Feeling raw and extremely vulnerable

  • Panic attacks and feelings of terror

  • Strange food cravings or aversions

  • Developing odd, undiagnosable physical symptoms that might show up as autoimmune conditions, digestive issues, nausea, etc.

The kundalini energy pressure can occur also as a secondary symptom of a kundalini awakening process gone wrong, at least partially.

What’s the energy flow structure in the human body

When I explain body energy fields to my students or in articles, I often use the microcosmic orbit model from Tao-based spiritual schools. This model is easy to understand because it's similar to a home's plumbing system, where energy flows through channels like water through pipes.

However, in reality, the body's energy fields are more like a layered pattern of different vibrations. Here's a simplified view of this layered energy pattern.

About body energy fields, kundalini head pressure, kundalini symptoms
Human Energy fields

Even though the chakras are shown in the picture above, they don't actually look like that. The image is just to give you an idea of where they are. Also, the energy fields don't really have colors; the colors are just used to differentiate between the overlapping layers.

What's important to remember is that our body's energy fields are incredibly complex, way more than the simplified plumbing system often used to explain them. Only a few advanced spiritual individuals can actually "see" these intricate energy structures. Our energy system is more like clouds of gases that mix, merge, and sometimes get stuck, all contained within a powerful energy matrix governed by our soul. These different colored gas streams represent our thoughts and emotions, and when we try to suppress them, they sort of "freeze," causing us to feel blocks in our minds and bodies.

The reasons for energy problems in our head belong to suppressed thoughts

The head chakras belong to the third eye chakras and crown chakras and have to do with the mental part of our being which consists of our thoughts and beliefs on the intellectual and even spiritual levels. When we experience energy head pressure we are literally suppressing certain thoughts that we do not want to think. It is this suppression that we experience as head pressure and it happens completely unconsciously.

In time, these thoughts build up as a limiting belief which in turn will “solidify” the energy at the level of our heads, which turns into energy blocks and will put pressure on our head energy fields and we will feel it as an energy head pressure.

Ever wonder why most people who aren't into spirituality don't usually experience these energy pains? It's because they often suppress certain thoughts without even realizing it. Their lower awareness means they don't feel the pain of this suppression as much. Their body's energy fields vibrate at a lower frequency, making them generally "numb" to higher energies.

The inner conflict due to suppressed thoughts and kundalini rising

Kundalini awakening and ascension is a whole-body journey. The challenge is that our body cells and organs start with different vibrations, so they can't all progress at the same rate.

As kundalini ascends, this creates energy tension among these parts. Some parts lag due to thoughts and beliefs blocking their progress. This inner conflict happens in our head chakras, where spiritual insights and authenticity clash with our old ego and limiting beliefs that aren't ready to accept humbling truths.

What kind of thoughts do we suppress?

From what I've seen, people who experience head pressure often suppress certain types of thoughts like:

  • Lack of self-criticism and humility

  • Worries

  • Intense fears

  • Cravings

  • Ego-driven desires, like the thirst for power

These people usually think highly of themselves and rarely criticize their own actions. When others criticize them, they either ignore it or get really upset. They aren't great at forgiving and tend to hold grudges for a long time, even if they try to hide it. In my experience with many clients, worries and strong fears can also cause this head pressure related to kundalini energy, but it's less common compared to other reasons.

To be spiritually mature, it's important to recognize our flaws (without beating ourselves up) and work on improving them.

I've noticed that those with a high opinion of themselves are more likely to feel pressure in the head chakras during the kundalini awakening and ascension process.

body energy fields,  kundalini ascension, kundalini energy, head pressure, kundalini energy, kundalini head pressure
Body energy fields

How to deal with kundalini head pressure pain

Let's break down the difference between Causes and Effects. Causes are the thoughts and beliefs we hold onto that block energy in our minds, resulting in discomfort. The Effect is the actual pain or pressure we feel in our heads.


We need to address both Causes and Effects, but releasing the Causes takes much longer because it involves battling our own issues—like lack of forgiveness, humility, self-criticism, grudges, fears, and essentially our ego. This process can take quite a while. However, if we manage to release the Causes, it's a permanent solution. You'll essentially graduate a Major Life Lesson, and I promise you'll significantly raise your awareness and consciousness levels, both as a soul and in your body!


On the flip side, working on the Effects (like the head pressure pain) takes much less time. It might relieve the pain temporarily, but if the Causes aren't addressed, the pain will come back soon.


For those advanced in spirituality who have accessed large amounts of kundalini energy, when this energy reaches the head, they experience a lot of pain if they haven't yet released their limiting beliefs and suppressed thoughts that block energy there.

Procedures to relieve the head pressure pain

These procedures you find below are aimed to relieve the Effects, the pain you feel as head pressure.

The Waterfall procedure

If you are doing any spiritual or meditation practice that focuses on your head like the third eye, crown, kundalini rising, or any practice that causes energy to rise - stop that immediately! Don’t do those practices again until your symptoms are completely gone.

You can try to relieve the head pressure pain by practicing the following “waterfall procedure”. A good place to send your excess energy is to your navel.


  • One way to get the excess out of your head is to focus on - concentrate on - your navel. Think about your navel. Feel your navel.

  • Put the tip of your tongue gently on the roof of your mouth immediately behind your front teeth. This connects the energetic circuit that speeds the flow downward.

  • If you are good at visualizing, imagine a waterfall coming from your forehead (or crown) down along the front of your body into your navel. Feel the energy draining down.

  • Let go of anything you are holding in your head. Let it relax, let it fall, and let it drain down to your navel.

  • Since the energy follows one’s intention, keep your mind focused on your navel. Keep feeling your navel.

The fire method


  • Put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth

  • Think of a ball of fire as being the energy block in your head

  • Visualize the crown chakra as a downward-facing bowl

  • Imagine that drops of gold or white rain drip down from the bowl into the ball of fire, both feeding and calming it. Make small circles on the roof of the mouth with the tip of your tongue when imagining it.

  • Continue until you feel relieved

How to deal with the Causes of head pressure

As mentioned earlier, you should focus on letting go of the limiting beliefs and thoughts in your subconscious. You can use this spiritual service to help with that, but keep in mind that you need to commit to the process and not quit after just a few weeks. Remember, the issues you're facing now are beliefs and thoughts you've accumulated over decades, so they won't disappear in just two weeks. It might take several months or even a few years to work through the toughest ones, so be patient and give the process a fair chance.


Rest assured, by the end of it, you'll be a much better version of yourself in many ways, including your destiny.


When you're dedicated to your spiritual journey, you might experience ocassionally some head pressure from energy. Don't worry, just follow the tips mentioned earlier and you'll be fine.


You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnosis, or Healing limiting beliefs, or Compatibility for lovers, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher dimensions.



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