As we go through life, we pick up different beliefs from sources like family, school, society, religion, media, and friends. We're shaped by our upbringing, starting with family and then expanding to school, friends, society, and religion. These teachings form mental patterns and values that we eventually accept as true.
These beliefs shape our reality, no matter our IQ, and they can actually divert us from the path our soul intended for us. In this article, I'll share my experience with letting go of limiting beliefs that stray us from our Soul's Purpose. I'll also provide a step-by-step guide for releasing these beliefs, which I've tested over many years with myself and my students as a spiritual guide.
What are limiting beliefs
Our main aim in life is to understand ourselves. Just like the ancient masters said, "Know thyself!" This means figuring out who we are, the key lessons we're here to learn and experience, and uncovering the limiting beliefs in our subconscious that have been guiding us without us realizing it.

These limiting beliefs stem from feeling separated from the rest of Creation. Since these beliefs (e.g. like fear of the future, belief in scarcity, low self-esteem, belief in separation, fear of disasters), exist at a 3D vibration level they attract life scenarios that reinforce them according to the laws of the universe. Meditation can help identify and release these limiting beliefs, but only to a certain extent. During meditation, we aim to connect with our soul at much higher vibrations than our body, so we don't address so much the limiting beliefs, which are actually part of our body's subconscious, as much.
Meditation is the most popular tool among spiritual people for practicing self-awareness, relaxing, finding inner peace, and connecting with their heart. On the other hand, as souls, we're here on Earth to experience life, learn, and grow our awareness, not just meditate all day. This universe is built on the idea that practice is much more important than theory.
Focusing directly on letting go of limiting beliefs is hands down the best way to boost both your soul's and body's vibration. Other methods like meditation, chanting, and mantras are less effective because they work indirectly.
From my extensive experience with this topic and working with my students, I've identified hundreds of these limiting beliefs in people's subconscious. They exist in layers, with some stemming from others, so it's helpful to imagine them stacked. The easiest method is to start with the simpler beliefs at the top of the stack and work your way down to the more challenging ones at the bottom. You can't reach the bottom layers without first clearing the ones above them.
For example, a fear of spiders might be easier to release and sit at the top of the stack, while a deep-rooted fear of death would be at the bottom and much tougher to address right away.
It's also important to remember that everyone has unique limiting beliefs, and other factors come into play. So, it's a personalized journey, not a one-size-fits-all solution.
Steps to Soul Healing - release limiting beliefs
To help people break free from their limiting beliefs, a process also called Healing, I've created a spiritual service called Healing - Limiting Beliefs Releasing drawing from my extensive experience in this area. It's a three-step process:
Step 1: Identifying the limiting beliefs
Step 2: Releasing those beliefs
Step 3: Following up to track progress
Let me explain each step in more detail.
Letting go of limiting beliefs is a step-by-step journey.
Step 1 happens offline. You'll send me a recent photo via email, and I'll use it to evaluate your soul's vibration (awareness level) and body vibration using the chakra scale. This will show your current progress in soul and body awareness (e.g., soul at 3.8 vibration, body at 3.7 vibration on the chakra scale). For reference, the average for humanity is 3.5 for soul vibration and 3.5 for body vibration.
Next, I'll examine your soul and body energies to identify the limiting beliefs you have, like low self-esteem, judging others, fear of the future, fear of change, feeling powerless, etc. These beliefs can block your progress in life. Some of them might be tied to life lessons your soul is here to work through.
I'll then create a report detailing each limiting belief I found in your subconscious and its current progress (e.g., low self-esteem at 12%, fear of change at 8%). For example, a 4% progress on low self-esteem means there's still 96% left to work on. On average, I find that most people have only made 1-10% progress on their limiting beliefs, with many being as low as 1-5%. On the flip side, enlightened souls at the 7th chakra level or 7D vibration have usually made at least 70% progress on their beliefs.
I'll then confirm these beliefs with your soul, spiritual guides, and parent-soul. If needed, I'll look into past lives to find the origin of stubborn life lessons.
Finally, I'll send you the list of limiting beliefs so you can see which ones resonate most with you. From there, I'll recommend a list of key beliefs to work on—ones that cause you the most suffering now and offer "quick wins" for the fastest progress with the least effort.
Step 2 of letting go of limiting beliefs involves a live, one-on-one, 1-hour online session where we dive into and rank the major limiting beliefs holding them back. We'll use the list from Step 1 for this.
Releasing these key beliefs will lead to the quickest and most significant progress in their life.
I'll also show them a specific method to release these limiting beliefs and how to practice it effectively afterward. In the session, they'll have the chance to ask questions about other issues related to how these beliefs show up in their life and ways to avoid them.
I've noticed that once people start practicing the belief-releasing method, it often triggers a kundalini awakening.

Step 3 is an offline service designed to help someone regularly check their progress in letting go of limiting beliefs. Based on a recent photo they email me, I provide an evaluation of their progress in percentage terms.
If someone is consistently working on a set of beliefs and asks for regular follow-ups, like monthly or every 2-3 months, they'll definitely make headway in releasing those limiting beliefs, including the fear of death. This, of course, requires some discipline i.e. time and some effort on their part.
When you read the sacred texts of any major religion, you'll notice that the biggest spiritual breakthroughs of their prophets are often described as "getting rid of their demons," "successfully fighting demons," "finding the way beyond suffering," or "resisting temptations." Many people take these phrases literally, thinking the prophets were physically battling scary enemies called "demons."
But really, the struggle was internal, against their own limiting beliefs in their subconscious. In ancient times, "demons" referred to these internal limiting beliefs that we need to overcome to find our path.
Those who achieved enlightenment did just this: they let go of their limiting beliefs and freed themselves from the mental and emotional constraints of this world to find their soul purpose, their mission in life. They didn't meditate or follow other practices just to feel relaxed and peaceful; they had a clear goal, which was to break free from the limitations of the mind. You can do this too!
You can learn more by reading other posts on this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.
You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnostic, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery to raise your body and soul awareness, and reach into higher dimensions.