Ever wondered how ancient sages could influence everything around them, from people and animals to nature and the weather? According to ancient spiritual traditions, the answer lies right between your eyes.
The third eye is one of the seven chakras in our body. Chakras are believed to be energy hubs that control the flow of prana, or life energy, in and out of us. This prana energy is what keeps everything alive. Interestingly, I found this energy, called Kundalini by the ancients when referring to the root chakra, is actually Earth's energy, which ancient spiritual leaders and gurus weren't aware of.

Prana is a broad term that includes energy at various frequencies. Hinduism and yoga identify 5 types but trust me, there are way more vibrations than just those five.
The third eye chakra, called Ajna in Sanskrit, is the sixth chakra in the body.
The function of the third eye Chakra
The third eye mainly helps with gaining clarity, intuition, and foresight. It lets you see beyond the present moment and understand the reasons behind events. This connection to your intuition and subconscious can guide you. Seers and psychics often have a well-developed third-eye chakra.
Another role of any chakra is to provide energy to nearby body organs. Without this energy, organs can eventually fail, leading to diseases. When a chakra is blocked, it can't supply the needed energy to its associated organs.
The third eye chakra is responsible for:
The Pituitary gland
The root bulb and small brain
Distributing universal energy throughout the body
Transmitting prana through telepathy
With a well-developed third eye chakra, you can achieve true spiritual awakening, control kundalini awakening and rising, and direct energy towards specific goals to achieve desired outcomes.
For example, a popular use of the third chakra is in telepathy, where you send specific messages through your third eye to someone else. If that person is energy-sensitive, they'll receive the transmission. How accurately they decode the message depends on their ability – they might get it perfectly, partially, or not at all.
You can also send energy to help others on their spiritual journey. I found in my spiritual research, that most people souls on Earth today are at a 3.5 vibration level on the chakra scale. By using your third eye chakra for energy transfers, you can help others raise their spiritual awareness (Shaktipat), spark a kundalini awakening, and guide them toward a deeper understanding of the world. This is how spiritual masters often assist their disciples.
Another purpose of projecting prana to others is to aid in healing illnesses. Some people have blocked chakras, and your energy transfer can provide the extra energy they need. This gives them time to work on releasing limiting beliefs and heal the root causes of their ailments.
However, if your third eye is blocked, you might struggle to access or trust your intuition, feeling like you're in a brain fog. This can make life feel unpredictable and out of control, leaving you reliant on authority figures like family, school, religion, or the media to tell you what to believe and how to live. This fog also hampers concentration and decision-making.
The third chakra helps illuminate the reality around us, whether it’s events, people, or nature. It allows us to understand the causes behind life events and learn the lessons we’re here to learn. Only a few people do this efficiently enough to complete their life lessons in one lifetime, which is the path to enlightenment. Most people need multiple lifetimes to achieve this.
Our third eye, the 6th chakra, is often blocked by limiting beliefs ingrained in our subconscious from various sources like family, school, society, religion, and media. These beliefs cloud our perception of reality, making us return life after life to clear them. Healing these limiting beliefs is crucial for gaining clarity and a true understanding of the world around us.
How to open the third Eye chakra
I found from experience and watching other advanced spirituals that there are two main approaches to opening your third eye chakra.
The first approach
By practicing spirituality and working on yourself through daily spiritual routines like proper meditation.
You can also explore alternative methods like chanting, spiritual sounds, crystal therapies, and more, but remember that not everything works for everyone.
Reconnect with your heart. Without shifting our awareness from our minds to our hearts, we can't achieve anything truly advanced, no matter how much effort and time we invest.
Release limiting subconscious beliefs. This is a key task we face in life.
Consider going vegetarian. Since our souls use our bodies to experience life, if we dull our bodies with junk food, our perceptions and awareness will decrease.
Improve your daily actions by doing good deeds, living in the present moment, and applying what you receive in meditation.
Reconnect with Mother Earth and Father Sun, who keep our bodies alive every second. Our bodies are made of elements borrowed from Earth and sustained by Her and also kept alive by the light from the Sun. Forgetting this can lead to health issues and faster physical decay.
Second approach
Another option is having a true higher soul (a high spiritual master) with a 7D+ vibration (someone who has reached the 7th chakra vibration, meaning they're fully enlightened) and a body vibration close to 5D, opening your chakras through initiation. This master can send an incredibly powerful burst of energy from their third eye chakra to yours, forcefully opening your chakras from their usual 5-10% openness to 100%! Currently, there are about 2-3 such masters on the planet.
The catch is, after your chakras are opened, they start to shrink back to their previous, more closed state; this aspect is ignored by the majority of spirituals who go through a shaktipat and think its effect stays forever! So, you'll need to work diligently and consistently to keep them open. Even with this method, you won't be able to keep your chakras at 100% right away, but with effort, you can open them back up close to 100% and enjoy the benefits. This approach allows students to leverage their master's powerful help, starting from a much higher baseline than other methods.
No matter how you work on opening your chakras to achieve spiritual awareness and move towards kundalini awakening and enlightenment, remember that the world around you is at a 3D vibration level. You'll need to put in daily effort to maintain your progress.
It's tough to progress, and really easy to slip back unknowingly because the lower energies around you can easily pull you down. That's why you need a spiritual guide who can give you feedback regularly.
You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.
You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed there and get a spiritual diagnostic, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher vibrations.