An ancient quest for any human on this planet was to find his true purpose in life, his spiritual purpose, his “call” as the saying is. For instance, the majority of people don’t know when entering the labor market after they finish their studies what they are truly good at, which is the career that would best suit their needs both material and spiritual, and make them happy ultimately.
In time, all sorts of vocational tests and procedures have been developed trying to pinpoint someone’s talent and abilities. If these instruments are applied purely from a mental angle they have limited results in showing us our optimal path in life.
What is life's purpose?
First things first, we need to realize that our life's purpose is closely tied to the key lessons our soul came here to learn and experience. This list of main life lessons actually makes the ideal destiny in our life as intended originally by our soul and spiritual guides, but very few people succeed in following it closely. Like 99.99…% of people drift away from it because they are unable to maintain good contact with their soul which obviously suggests to them all the time the right path to take.

One important thing people often overlook is that our Life Purpose is a Mission, not just a job or career! You aren't born to be an economist, engineer, farmer, inventor, or anything like that. Instead, your Mission might be to feed people, help communities access better technology, or assist others in managing their resources. Any of these missions can be fulfilled through various jobs and careers.
The basic requirement to find the Purpose of your Life
To be able to approach the true purpose and ideal path in life or optimal path in life, we need to first build a good connection between our mind and soul, so as to receive proper guidance. This connection can be built by
maintaining this connection that we have been born with as small children and lost it afterward, or
starting to practice spirituality.
The cornerstone is that you need to trust that you have a soul by definition, that your soul experiences this life through the means of your body as an instrument. If you don’t truly believe this then any method you might use to find your purpose in life is fundamentally flawed and it transforms into some intellectual game and nothing more. One can’t put effort into something and meet success without truly believing that something truly exists; this trust is not a small thing to have in this 3D world. You must embody this trust and have no doubt about it, or else any search is aimless.
If you solve the above basic requirement then you can move on to one of the two following methods to find your purpose, since others don’t exist.
There are two main approaches to finding your soul's purpose as shown below.
1. First approach: Life unravels in front of you
By using this approach you don’t need to bother with spirituality, just use the embedded life-purpose detector Creation built in you. It’s the one we all have been born with as small children when we had an amazing connection mind-soul. Unfortunately, after the age of 6-7 years old or so we lost it because of the permanent 3D energy pressure from around, like from family, school, friends, society, mass media, etc.
You don’t think that living according to the soul plan was left by God as something occult, as a reward only for super-meditators, isn’t it? There would be very unfair to 8 billion souls around who in the majority don’t care about spirituality. Basic common sense would tell us this. The life purpose detector I am telling you about is just our soul giving indications periodically to us, and we have the free will to listen or not to these indications. These signs are not super-mysterious, it’s just life itself unraveling in front of our eyes through events around us, people, dreams, visions, events, feelings, illnesses, etc.
In this alternative you should never actually be bothered to know your calling beforehand, you just live Life as it comes, moment by moment, never oppose life events, just be in the Now moment, and never worry about what life plans God has for you. If you live always in the Now moment, why would you care about tomorrow?
Only at the end of his life and looking back one will be able to fully see the full scope of that life. There were very few people able to follow this path because it needs an inner cosmic compass that makes the person feel united with all and everything, who lets himself navigate in the main flow of life and never oppose it whatever it brings. Actually, the above attributes define a fully enlightened soul.
2. Second approach: Spiritual approach for finding your soul's purpose
The second approach is by getting into spirituality, doing meditations, releasing limiting beliefs, keeping close to higher souls, etc. This alternative might allow you to learn eventually the true purpose of your life, but only if you get to higher levels of realization and that means a good number of years of daily practice. If you are up to this I wish you the best of luck!
I propose you the following procedure to find your spiritual and life purpose. It includes 2 parts: Preparation and Main.
1. Reflect on your passions, abilities, and interests
An important step in using spirituality to uncover your life purpose is to reflect on your passions and interests. What activities or topics do you find yourself drawn to? What brings you joy and fulfillment? These can be clues to your purpose in life. Make a list of your passions and interests, and think about how you can incorporate them into your daily life.
Don’t just list things that you think you should be interested in or that others have told you are important. Instead, focus on what truly lights you up and brings you joy. This could be anything from art and music to social justice and environmental activism. Once you have a list of your passions and interests, think about how you can incorporate them into your daily life.
Be sure to discern between things that brings your body pleasure like going to parties, fishing, being with friends, and a talent or ability like in singing, communicating with people, organizing events, mathematics, etc.
2. Prepare and Clarify your question
What is it that you'd like to inquire about and why? By articulating your question, you are informing the universe of your request. Better put it in writing.
Main procedure (eyes closed)
1. Be present and relaxed
Take 2 sets of 3 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth and imagine you exhale all negative energies out of you. With every breath, imagine that your body is getting more peaceful, relaxed, lighter as vibration, and ready to learn higher truths.
2. Go into your heart
Beware, this is crucial or else you won’t be able to connect with your soul and ask questions to your mind instead. Use the spiritual method you feel close to you, just be sure it works.
3. Set your intention
This can be as simple as, "Dear God, please let me know the purpose of my life!" Allow your gentle intention to prepare you to receive wisdom from the divine. Be humble, grateful, and honest in your intention so to be able to connect with the field of your future timelines by the agency of your soul.
4. Ask the right kind of questions
You can ask closed questions with Yes-or-no answers, or open questions to perceive the wider truth. In this case, you ask questions to be guided by the why, how, and what of life.
These questions are based on the results you got in your preparation step. You could ask for instance “My ability to perceive many things at once in a place and remember them afterward is part of my purpose in life? Should I be a detective, a military, a hunter?”.
5. Pay attention to the signs
If you ask closed questions, so asking for Yes-No answers, the answer comes instantly in less than 3 sec. If it takes longer then you can suspect your mind interfered.
If you ask open questions then your answers may arrive over a longer span of time that may take hours, days, and weeks generally. They come in the form of intuitions, hunches, synchronicity, or thoughts you could not have generated yourself. Your heart will recognize these suggestions of your soul.
Beware, if you really do everything necessary on this path then your soul will change as vibration, i.e. will be higher, and the purpose itself will change along the way against the one you were born with.

Each of these 2 ways correctly followed brings you all the information you need, if you listen to them then you will keep close to your optimal life path and align 90-100% with your soul intention.
To add more to the challenge, in different periods of our life different abilities are required and activated in us so as to follow the twists and turns of our destiny and to cover the planned life lessons. If we lose connection with our soul and spiritual guides we are left to fend alone without our soul’s support, which can prove a daunting task many times.
Do you keep fears, worries, and regrets for long in you like the majority of persons now on Earth? Well, then you risk diverting from your Path and might miss in this life some of your main life lessons. I mean you will certainly meet your main life lessons due to the in-built universal mechanisms, but if not being spiritually aware your reaction to it could be wrong and not pass the "life test".
No problem, you will repeat again the attempt in the next life, this is why we all come back time after time in a never-ending succession of incarnations on this planet or another.
Wish you all lots of inspiration and a strong compass in Life!
You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.
You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnosis, or Healing limiting beliefs, or Compatibility for lovers, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness and reach into higher dimensions.