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If we're born with a set amount of prana, can we increase it?

Updated: May 26

For ages, the idea of prana has been a key part of Eastern spiritual and philosophical traditions. Prana, also known as life force or vital energy, is thought to be the driving force that keeps us alive and affects our physical, mental, and emotional health.

A question that has fascinated both scholars and spiritual seekers is whether we're given a fixed amount of prana when we're born or if it's something we can build up and renew over time. I'll share my findings on this topic with you, after I've explored how body energies move within us.

Understanding Prana

To really get what prana is all about, you need to dive into its roots and importance in Eastern philosophies. Prana, a Sanskrit term from ancient Indian Vedic texts, means "life force" or "vital energy". It's seen as the key element that keeps all life forms going and helps maintain balance and harmony in our bodies and minds.

Prana is often likened to qi (or chi) in Chinese philosophy, which is supposed to flow through energy pathways called meridians. In both traditions, having a smooth flow of this life force is essential for good health, while any blockages or imbalances can lead to sickness.

prana, restoring vitality, restoring life energy, restoring health
If we get a limited amount of prana at birth, can we enhance it?

Some spiritual circles believe that everyone is born with a set amount of prana, which gradually decreases over time. According to this idea, as our prana runs out, we start to face physical decline, illness, and ultimately death.

Mother Earth as the life source of Prana

A lot of ancient spiritual texts mention that we're given a set amount of prana at birth, which we use throughout our lives. Since way back, spiritual seekers have been looking for ways to replenish this initial energy (prana/chi) to live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

Imagine we get 100 units of vitality at birth from our parents, but really, this vitality comes from Mother Earth, the true source of our body’s elements and energy. Throughout our lives, we gradually use up this vitality. According to Chinese spirituality, this vitality is stored in three dantien (also known as "energy lakes" or energy reserves) within our bodies.

Throughout life, Earth's lifeforce, also known as kundalini energy, nourishes our bodies through the root chakra. Hinduism and yoga refer to this energy as "kundalini," but they didn't recognize it as Earth's lifeforce. They still believe it's a mysterious life energy bestowed upon humanity by a goddess named Shakti.

The Earth's lifeforce, known in Hinduism as kundalini energy, along with the food and drink we consume, helps to partially replenish our vitality. However, it doesn't fully restore it, and we continue to lose some energy due to daily activities and limiting beliefs. Over 70–80 years, this vital energy gets completely used up, leading to our "grand exit" as our soul departs to get ready for the next life.

Cultivating Prana

Many spiritual traditions highlight the need to cultivate and replenish prana throughout life. For instance, yoga aims to balance and boost the flow of prana using physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation. The goal is to harness and increase prana to improve body vibration and health, which wouldn't make sense if we thought prana was limited.

Similarly, in Chinese philosophy, practices like qigong and tai chi focus on cultivating and balancing qi (similar to prana) within the body. These practices are built on the belief that our bodies can generate and sustain this vital energy, opposing the idea that we're born with a limited supply.

Furthermore, many traditional healing modalities, such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, focus on restoring the balance of prana or qi to promote health and vitality. These ancient systems of medicine have endured for millennia since they proved in practice they can restore prana in a certain degree, extend life, and preserve health.

I've discovered that by practicing spiritual techniques like meditation and grounding exercises, along with eating high-vibration foods, we can boost our energy levels (prana/chi) and add to our vitality. This can help delay energy depletion, potentially extending our lifespan and improving our health.

Unfortunately, even this process can’t refill 100% of the expended life stock, so in the end our body still gets worn out and die, but just much later and in a much better condition than the average person.

Advanced prana restoring techniques for body immortality

In my spiritual school, Body & Soul Ascension Mastery, I use some special energy-boosting techniques that go beyond typical meditation and grounding methods. These techniques recharge your body's energy fields, help restore health, create a protective shield against negative energies, raise your body's vibration, and make you more sensitive to energies, helping you navigate life's challenges better.


 There are even more powerful energy techniques to fully recharge our body's energy, techniques once used by highly advanced beings like Babaji and Padmasambhava. These beings maintained their bodies for centuries and even millennia, occasionally appearing to people to share important messages. Their unique spiritual prana methods helped them keep a high body vibration (lightbody), allowing them to exist in the 5th and 6th dimensions of vibration of our planet.

However, the methods these beings used to preserve their bodies for such a long time can’t be directly applied by the usual spiritual. First, they need to elevate their body’s vibration to a very high level using the procedures mentioned earlier. Only then can they adopt these advanced techniques. These enlightened souls initially achieved the Rainbow Body and then progressed to even higher vibrations. Naturally, they fully opened their chakras in the process and used their Lightbody as a vehicle to travel, not just through space, but also through time and different vibrational dimensions.


Our bodies are pretty dense and made up of around 50 trillion cells. Because of this, they have a lot of inertia when it comes to change. So, we need to make adjustments gradually, tweaking things as we go.


You can learn more by reading other posts in this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnostic, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness, and reach into higher dimensions.



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