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Decoding the Rift: Unveiling the Desires of Soul and Mind

Updated: 2 days ago

Have you ever wondered about the mind and soul? They've been subjects of speculation in the realm of psychology, human behavior, and spirituality for a long time. Have you ever wondered what makes us tick? What drives our actions? Have you ever wondered what fuels our desires? These age-old questions have sparked countless debates and theories, as researchers try to understand the mysterious nature of the human psyche.


In this article, let's explore the intriguing rift between the Soul and Mind together. We'll look into the different desires that reside in each. I've discovered that the wisdom from ancient spiritual traditions, modern scientific insights, and my own research into consciousness—along with how higher energy flows in our bodies using my heightened perception— has really broadened my perspective on this topic.


Understanding the Soul and Mind

The human psyche is a fascinating and intricate part of us, a never-ending dance between our soul and mind.

The Soul is often described as the essence of our being. It's the repository of our deepest emotions, life experiences, our moral compass, and our spiritual yearnings. It's pure Consciousness after all.


The Mind is the cognitive engine that processes information, generates thoughts, and governs our decision-making processes. It's the part of us that helps us think, reason, and make choices.

Soul, mind, soul plan, human psyche, Consciousness,
Mind body soul

This duality has long been a source of fascination for philosophers, theologians, and spiritual people, as well as psychologists, who all love to explore the intricacies of the human experience.


Exploring the desires of the Soul

The soul is pure consciousness, free of any energy at its core. When it comes into a life, it's connected to a Soul Plan and a sense of Purpose. This Soul Plan includes all the major life lessons the soul intends to experience in a lifetime, knowledge about the other souls it plans to connect with, places to be, and so much more!

This amazing Soul Plan shows up in our lives in some pretty subtle ways, many times as strong tendencies. A Tendency is more than just a passing Desire, it’s constant over a long time and is intense. It manifests at the body level as a major push, rooted in the innermost essence of our being. These tendencies are what drive us towards a higher plane of existence, beyond the confines of the physical world.


Let's say, for example, that an accountant who spent the last 20 years working for a big firm in the city suddenly feels an inner urge to live in the forest for the rest of his life, in communion with nature. When he's nearing the end of his life, he learns in a meditation or a revelation from a higher soul that he's actually been on a mission to connect deeply with nature and nature's souls and to help other people do the same.


At the heart of what the soul truly desires is a deep longing for authenticity, self-expression, and a deeper understanding of the human experience. Our souls crave a sense of belonging, a connection to something greater than ourselves, and a profound sense of meaning that transcends the everyday concerns of daily life. This need for authenticity, belonging, and meaning is actually the push coming from our soul trying to guide us onto our Soul Plan and Mission in life. Some people listen and follow it, but many unfortunately don’t.


The desire for spiritual growth is actually an astonishing process of evolving spiritually and increasing consciousness as a soul. It can show up in all kinds of ways, from following religious or spiritual practices to exploring art, music, and creative expression. The soul's innate need for self-actualization and the realization of our highest potential is a driving force that can inspire us to embark on some truly transformative journeys of personal growth and self-discovery.


Unveiling the Desires of the Mind

Our souls often gravitate towards the intangible and transcendent, while our minds tend to be more practical, focusing on the tangible aspects of our 3D world. The mind is driven by the need for efficiency, productivity, and material success, equipped with incredible analytical and problem-solving skills.

Right at the top of the mind's list of things it wants is the desire to be in control, to have things in order, and to be able to get around in the physical world without getting lost! The mind is always looking for ways to make things make sense, to make good choices, and to reach goals that we can see and celebrate.

This desire for control and mastery over the external environment can sometimes lead the mind to prioritize practical concerns over the more abstract, emotional, and spiritual needs of the soul. For example, Science is the result of our human minds—it's the highest expression of our attempt to understand the universe using just our minds.


And let's not forget that the mind's desire for social acceptance and external validation can also play a big part in shaping its priorities and decision-making processes. The mind may seek to fit in with society, aim for a high-flying career, and amass material things as a way of getting recognition and status within the community. Sometimes, though, this search for external approval can get in the way of our soul's deepest desires for self-expression and authenticity.


The concept of Divergence between Soul and Mind

At the heart of the relationship between your soul and your mind is a concept we call "divergence." Our soul and mind are two parts of us that are deeply connected, but they have many different desires and impulses. This can cause a lot of inner conflict and confusion.


This divergence can show up in all kinds of ways. The soul is often yearning for spiritual fulfillment, emotional connection, and a sense of purpose. Meanwhile, the mind is usually caught up in practical concerns, rational decision-making, and the pursuit of material success. The soul craves deep, meaningful experiences, while the mind is driven by the need for efficiency, productivity, and tangible outcomes.


It's normal to have different desires in your heart and your mind. They're two essential parts of you, so it's only natural that they sometimes pull you in different directions. In practice, what's good for the mind can easily clash with what's good for the soul, and vice versa.

You see, I found that the Mind is more aligned with the Masculine Aspect, which is all about achievement, acceptance, goals, and material success. The Soul, which we connect with in our hearts, belongs more to the intangible, higher energy, intuition, feelings, and the like, which belong to the Feminine Aspect. It's only natural that these two sides of us many times have different ideas.

This tension between the two can show up in different ways, from feeling a bit unsatisfied and restless to having a deep sense of an existential crisis. This inner turmoil can lead to some pretty tough feelings, like anxiety, depression, and a profound sense of disconnection from your true self.

By divine design, this conflict is meant to be a constructive one, encouraging individuals to look for answers beyond the usual material world. On the flip side, we all know that the same conflict can be destructive if we look for answers in the wrong places. It's so important to remember that the answers we seek are not always found in science or the material world. Ultimately, it all comes down to how we use our free will.

Finding harmony between the soul and mind

The great news is that you can find harmony between your soul and your mind. This process of reconciliation and integration isn't easy, but it's a journey that can ultimately lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment, purpose, and self-actualization. And that's something worth working for! 

Soul, mind, soul plan, human psyche, Consciousness, soul and mind, spiritual journey, meditation, introspection
Young girl meditating on her heart

They're not at odds with each other, but rather two complementary parts of you that work together. When we recognize the special roles and desires of each, we can learn to navigate the tricky landscape of our inner world with more understanding and kindness. It's a journey, but it's worth it!

Techniques for aligning the desires of the Soul and Mind

As we work to find harmony between our soul and our mind, it's so important to explore different techniques and practices that can help us align the desires of these two essential parts of ourselves. 

  • One great way to do this is through Meditation and Mindfulness. This is all about paying attention to the Present Moment and learning to be kind and non-judgmental towards ourselves. When we practice mindfulness, we can learn to observe our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations with a sense of detachment. This increased self-awareness can then be used as a stepping stone to bring together the soul and the mind. This helps us to better understand the different needs we have, both spiritual and practical. 

  • Another great to bring together the desires of the soul and the mind is through Self-reflection and Introspection. By writing in a journal, meditating, or engaging in other contemplative practices, we can explore the hidden corners of our minds and understand the root causes of our inner conflicts. This helps us develop strategies for balancing the different desires of our soul and mind. 

  • Another way is to learn your Soul Plan by Releasing your Limiting Beliefs. This cleanses the lenses through which we look at the world and finally have a clear view of our Soul Plan. It then it’s up to us to follow it or not.

Certainly, there are so many other great spiritual practices for aligning the mind and soul. The above are just three of the most well-known and practiced ones.

Conclusion - Embracing the journey of self-discovery

As you saw in the above presentation, the rift between the soul and the mind has the power to transform our lives in profound and meaningful ways if we handle it accordingly. And we can handle it! This journey is not about finding easy answers or quick fixes. It's about exploring, thinking about things, and gradually integrating all the different parts of ourselves. By doing this, you'll align with your Soul Plan and step onto the ideal path that your soul originally intended for you!

It's so important to find that sweet spot between our mind and our soul. It's all about finding that dynamic balance, where our soul takes the lead and our mind is happy to follow instead of opposing! It's a journey of continuous growth, self-reflection, and embracing the paradoxes and complexities that make us truly human.

Wishing you all the best and loads of inspiration on your spiritual journey!


You can learn more by reading other posts on this spiritual site that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.

You might also consider a service like Psychic Readings in the Services section of this site from the ones listed here and get a spiritual diagnostic, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery to raise your body and soul awareness, and reach into higher dimensions.


2 Σχόλια

Άγνωστο μέλος
14 hours ago

Other postings on this spiritual site provide a new perspective that can teach you more than what you'll find in spacebar clicker

Μου αρέσει

2 days ago

Thank you for this amazing piece. It feels very much aligned with how I've been feeling lately. Especially the part that says that at times, this conflict between heart and mind can manifest as restlessness and for me, some frustration too. I try to handle it to the best of my abilities so as to avoid drowning in too much negative emotions, which can be destructive, and often unproductive. Thank you again!

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