Deceased souls many times still loiter and wander around us without rising to God/Light despite the religious rituals done at their funeral. If they stay too long around they risk becoming wandering souls.
As such, the deceased souls of our dear ones risk staying for a long time around, failing to return to God quickly and follow the normal evolution path of a soul. The normal path for a soul is to raise back to God once death occurs, so guiding souls back to God is beneficial both for the soul that follows his spiritual evolution further and for his loved ones.
Due to my ability to contact souls and to send them the needed energy and to guide them, a thing I practiced for almost 20 years, I can help your dear one's soul to return back to Light, thus avoiding the soul to remain caught in this lower plane.
To fulfill this service I need you to send me by email (to be found in Contact) the most recent photo of the deceased one you want to be raised to Light.
I will contact his soul one time and do my best to send him to God by convincing him and also giving him lots of energy so he can leave this lower plane. If he agrees to leave I will be guiding him to God. If he doesn't agree to leave I will not force him and leave him be. Many times a deceased soul needs weeks at least to decide to leave this material plane of ours.
Being a free service I won't send you feedback about the result, but if you email me about one week after you send the photo I will tell you if the soul is still around, or returned to God, or what are his tendencies whether of staying or leaving.
Since I have quite a queue of such requests for this free service I will answer in turn, so please be patient. Nevertheless, be sure I will eventually answer you.
Many times the deceased souls of our loved ones still wander around us without rising to Light and reuniting with God despite the religious rituals done at their funeral. The issue is that if they stay too long around they risk becoming wandering souls.
As such, the deceased souls of our dear ones risk staying for a very long time around, failing to return to God quickly and to follow the normal evolution path of a soul. The normal path for a soul is to raise back to God once death occurs, hence guiding souls back to God is beneficial both for the soul that follows his spiritual evolution further and for his loved ones.
Due to my ability to contact souls and to send them to reunite with God, a thing I practiced for almost 20 years, I can help your dear one's soul to return back to God thus avoiding the soul remaining caught in this lower plane.
Many souls stay here for a long time because of the attachments they had in life. Sometimes, if the living ones help in eliminating these attachments, the soul will also leave.
To fulfill this service I need you to send me by email (to be found in Contact) the most recent photo of the deceased one you want to be raised to Light.
I will contact his soul three times over a period of 2 months and do my best to send him to Light by convincing him and also sending him lots of energy so he can leave this lower plane. If he agrees to leave I will be guiding him to Light. If he doesn't agree to leave I will not force him and leave him be.
In the end, I will send you a report of the results of my endeavors with his soul. You will find out if he left and how easy or difficult it was, or if he didn't accept to leave how he reacted to my approaches to him, how long in my opinion he will still need to raise to God, what can be still reasonably done to help him leave this realm.
Fee: 100 USD
Free guidance
Assisting the deceased soul 100 USD
1. To book a service please
- duly fill in the Service Request Form in Contact below, or
- send an email to the email address in Contact,
Please specify also which country & city you are from so we know your timezone.
2. Pay by Wise (former TransferWise) or by PayPal the cost of the chosen service (unless it's free) by using the e-mail address: claudiu.bnu@hotmail.com . Please include the PayPal (10%) or Wise transfer fee in the total cost.
3. After making the payment please send by the same e-mail attached a photo of the deceased person, and also mentioning which service you selected.
4. We will confirm receiving your e-mail, and also give you other necessary details.
For any issues please e-mail.