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Energy balance with the universE

Energy balance with the universe

Get your Energy Balance with the Univers!

Energy balance with the UniversE

In every moment, we have the chance to either contribute to others, nature, and the Universe or take more than we give (from parents, family, friends, community, society, nature, etc.). Picture a dynamic Balance of Energy with the Universe, where you can be on the plus side by giving more than you receive, or on the minus side when you take more than you give.


As kids, we soak up love and support from our families and society, receiving loads of energy! But as we grow into adults, the universal laws expect us to give back our time, energy, and efforts to uplift both ourselves and humanity.


I've learned that the average person receives about one-third more energy from the Universe than they give back in various forms, so humanity's average score for this parameter is -30%.

I've learned that those with a positive outlook often receive divine assistance in their mission and life in general.  On the flip side, no matter how spiritually aware you might feel, a low score can seriously hinder your growth and fulfillment, as I've seen in many cases in my spiritual practice.


The key takeaway is to have the universe in our favor, not the other way around. The universal laws will automatically balance things out—if we're in debt to the universe, it'll pull that debt from us, and if it's the other way around, it'll give back what it owes us. Giving back to us might show up as better opportunities in life, support during tough times, and so on. On the flip side, it can take its toll through hardships like accidents, illness, missed opportunities, and plans going awry.


Want to discover your Energy Balance score and learn how to boost it? Reach out to us today!


Fee: 30 USD


Energy Balance with the Universe: 30 USD


1. To book a service please

- duly fill in the Service Request Form in Contact below, or

- send an email to the email address in Contact,

Please specify also which country & city you are from so we know your timezone.


2. Pay by (former TransferWise) or by the cost of the chosen service (unless it's free) by using the e-mail address: . Please include the PayPal (10%) or Wise transfer fee in the total cost.


3. After making the payment please send by e-mail a recent full body photo, and also mention which service you selected.


4. We will confirm receiving your e-mail, and also give you an estimate when the service you purchased will be available for you.


For any issues please e-mail.

Thank you for your trust !
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